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This Month's Panty Giveaway Sissy Contestants (Donna Girl's Story)

Check out this month's Panty Giveaway Sissy Contestant Sissy Donna Girl's Story. Although all worthy entries are featured on the blog, only the best, most exciting, entertaining and well-written story will win. The prize? A fab pair of sissy panties from Sissy Panty Shop! Email your story to to enter the contest. You can also vote up or down on these stories by entering your comments below to help us choose the Winner. Now, let's check out what Sissy Alex has to share with us!  Hi. One of the things I like about being a sissy is having a girly name. My girly name is Donnagirl and I just melt when I am called that. To me it is the first...

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This Month's Panty Giveaway Sissy Contestants (SissyAlex's Story)

Check out this month's Panty Giveaway Sissy Contestant Sissy Alex's Story. Although all worthy entries are featured on the blog, only the best, most exciting, entertaining and well-written story will win. The prize? A fab pair of sissy panties from Sissy Panty Shop! Email your story to to enter the contest. You can also vote up or down on these stories by entering your comments below to help us choose the Winner. Now, let's check out what Sissy Alex has to share with us!   Thank you for having me this opportunity to write myself as a sissy. My name is sissyalex and I started dreaming about being a sissy when I was 14 years old  as I read an erotic sissy...

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New Feminization Audiobook Now Available in Spanish for Beginning Sissies

New Audiobook for Spanish speaking sissies.. only for beginners. The audiobook will go over very basic concepts to get you started on your feminization journey! Listen to it here: for FREE with this bonus offer: . “Este libro nació como respuesta a las muchas preguntas que recibo a diario de varios hombres que han tomado el camino hacia la feminización. Me han hecho muchas preguntas sobre el tema, ya que, comprensiblemente, los que se embarcan en este viaje a veces están confundidos e inseguros en cuanto a cuáles son los pasos que los van a hacer avanzar más rápidamente en su camino elegido. Como resultado, he elaborado esta sencilla Guía a la Feminización para iniciarte de lleno y sacar a la mariquita...

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Feminization Affirmations

Male to female transformation has always been somewhat of a confusing subject. Yet, for those men who are embarking on a feminization journey or those who embrace feminization fantasies, the need for this transformation is very real. I believe that you should have the tools at your disposal to accomplish your goals and realize your dreams. That’s why Feminization Affirmations for Sissy Boys was created. Transforming yourself into the sexy, confident, beautiful woman you feel that you are meant to be requires patience, consistency and a strong desire to succeed. This is where feminization self-affirmations come in. Positive affirmations or self-affirmations were first popularized by Emile Coué and date back to the 1920s. If repeated overtime, positive self-statements will convince the...

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Inspiring Feminization Journey from French Sissy

Many of you wishing to undertake the feminization process find yourselves at crossroads at times, weighing all your options, considering the possibilities and facing very real thoughts of doubt and uncertainty. Not needing validation yet somehow wanting to find it. This letter from sissy B. (complete name has been shortened to protect anonymity) from France I know will serve as inspiration to many of you. I hope you enjoy and feel free to comment and share your thoughts of support and lover for sissy B. Dear Mrs. Dede, I am at a crossroads: 1) It is possible that I have a job in Madagascar, for one or more years (I leave very far away). 2) Either I choose the path of...

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